As diners, we walked to different tables across the fine grounds of Elsing, sampling food from gastronomic magicians Bompas and Parr, ably assisted by City College Norwich students. I ate Mock Turtle Soup (with a “perfumed quail’s egg”), a “Drink Me” Quinine and Bitter Orange Constitutional, After the Caterpillar (a field mushroom pate) and The Unmeatened Leek (a layered pie).
We ate outside, under the stars, entertained by Alice in Wonderlands of all sizes. Our final destination, which we reached after a lantern parade, was a fairytale floating platform twinkling with lights and in front of Elsing Hall itself.
Breathtakingly beautiful, we dined on delicate delights such as The Jellateena, violet and elderflower jelly, and The Cake Array, a trio of Frank Dale cakes in miniature, washed down with mint and dandelion tea, while watching an incredible musical performance from the cast which culminated in my favourite song of the night from two of the six Alice in Wonderlands.
From the Eastern Daily Press review of Dining with Alice  on tonight and tomorrow at the Norfolk and Norwich festival just over the border. Can we have one in Suffolk please?
Thursday, 19 May 2011 18:39

And the Christian Dior museum down the road...

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...who happen to be serving champagne and beautiful tiny gateaux.

Tuesday, 17 May 2011 23:04

Lost in France

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saucisses   crepes  le chef

Crepes, frites et saucissons, et j'avais mange toutes!

the cooks 
And here is their recipe.
Crispy mackerel sandwich
• cornish line caught mackerel
• sweet pickled red onions, 
• watercress, 
• fresh tartare sauce
• a nice lightly toasted bun of your choice (something quite light)
For the pickled red onions
Thinly slice your red onions with a mandolin and gently simmer for 20 minutes in red wine vinegar and a good helping of sugar. You are looking for the vinegar to be as sweet as it is sour to excite the palette. Remove from the hob and leave to cool. Once cool this can be kept in a Kilner jar in the fridge. The flavour will get even better with time.
For the tartare sauce
Of course you can buy a tartare sauce but we choose to make ours fresh for every event. Here is a quick version for you to try: mix mayonnaise with sliced capers, gherkins, grated hard boiled eggs, a finely sliced shallot and fresh chopped parsley in a bowl. Add lemon juice, sea salt and ground black pepper to taste.
For the mackerel
Rub a little oil on the skin of the de-boned mackerel and place on a hot griddle. Lightly toast the inside of the bread leaving the outside as it is. Ensure the underside of the mackerel is cooked well enough before turning to keep the fish in one piece and guarantee a crispy base - you are looking at around 60% of the cooking time on the underside. Turn over and allow to finish cooking through. Whilst waiting mix your watercress with a good pinch of the pickled red onions and allow the red wine vinegar to coat the watercress.
Make a bed out of the watercress and pickled red onions on the lightly toasted bread, lay the crispy mackerel on top and finish with a good dollop of cold tartare sauce. Enjoy.
Saturday, 14 May 2011 13:25

International foodie

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Went into the new 'Polish' shop in Bury just to see what they had. Came out with some Cherry ciders and a piece of smoked pork. The very helpful lady isn't Polish but Lithuanian, and speaks five languages but not English, so have a look round and point at what you want.

cherry cider

Wednesday, 04 May 2011 12:55

OMG it's OFM

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If you know of any good restaurants, cheap eats, places to drink, Sunday lunches or BEST FOOD BLOG, consider entering them in the OFM awards by 24th June. And if you have devised your own cocktail recipe you can also enter at suffolkfoodie we have several of those.


Wednesday, 04 May 2011 11:57

Real Bread, please!

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Real bread, please!

My grandfather, Jim Farrow, was a Master Baker and ran the bakery and post office at Ixworth for many years. His son David also learned this trade and makes his own fabulous bread every day although the bakery has closed. I remember it well; the warm yeasty smell, the size of the huge mixing bowls, the heat of the ovens and the mismatched lino...although my childhood fantasy of ‘choose what you like from the shelves bursting with cakes, sausage rolls and pork pies’ was never fulfilled, as Grandad only ever offered us things that were months past their sell by date. And as a result of having fresh bread at home all the time, I tried to be best friends with children who had white-sliced. But now I have seen the error of my ways I love a nice wholemeal loaf, and although I don’t always make my bread, I do try to buy it from smaller bakers who have survived the supermarket onslaught when I can. In this part of Suffolk we are lucky to have Palmers, their family still making fresh bread every day, but although I say it myself, they can't make Chelsea Buns like mine!

palmers bakery 

Paul Campbell is the founder of Local Food Direct, a social enterprise working to give local people access to local food produced in Norfolk and Suffolk. He contributes part of our feature here. 

One of the things I have noticed recently is how few genuine bakers there are around – people making delicious, fresh bread from good ingredients and without preservatives. Real bread is skilfully made from four simple ingredients: yeast, flour, water and salt – and in sourdough there isn’t even any yeast! Compare that to the extensive ingredients lists that are impossible to decipher on the packaging of industrially produced bread – they are worlds apart. When we talk about something being “the best thing since sliced bread”, I’m not sure we’re really on the right track. I’d take a freshly baked rustic loaf with a flavoursome crust above a preservative-filled, generic, perfectly sliced bread any day – even if does require getting a breadknife out.

I was having a look online for some statistics to include in this post and I came across the Real Bread campaign ( It’s a lottery funded project run by ‘Sustain: the alliance for better food and farming’. I was interested to see that one of their criteria for “real bread” is that at least 20% of the ingredients are locally sourced – good on ‘em. Reading up on them I found the stats I was looking for – that 95% of bread in the UK is produced by a handful of industrial bakers and in supermarkets. The problem is that this bread is so over-processed that it’s not healthy any more, and has become part of the national problem of unhealthy eating. I recommend having a look at the Real Bread campaign’s “background to the campaign” page – it outlines the argument clearly. I see bread as another example of the shift our society has made away from local suppliers and towards mass-produced food – but I’m glad to say the tide is turning. We have more and more customers requesting ‘real bread’ with their deliveries and are really happy to work with Dozen Artisan Bakery in Norwich, where all the bread is baked using traditional methods and organic ingredients. As far as local produce goes, bread is one of the things that really is better when it’s bought locally – the closer you are to the oven it’s baked in, the fewer preservatives are needed, the better the ingredients will be, the fresher the loaf on your table will be and the better the taste.

my chelsea buns

So those of us who are the offspring of bakers, farmers and other food producers often take up these particular reins. The Telegraph recently featured ‘fresh young foodies’ and there were a few from Suffolk. Stephany Hardingham from Alder Carr Farm has developed a brand of ice creams – Alder Tree – which use the fruit from the pick your own business and the farm shop. ·And the Strachan family from Rendham have developed a specialist milk herd and supply milk from four farms to produce Marybelle products that include milk, yoghurt and ice cream and they sell it throughout Suffolk. These new food businesses are not just about profit, they are about putting a family and social responsibility first, and bringing delicious home-made food to our tables.

Sunday, 01 May 2011 12:08

Thank God that's over...

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Along with lots of others we celebrated - Coronation chicken, raspberry Royale, burger King...but the best bit was the Waving Queen...

the royal couple  the royal buffet  waving_queen 

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