Monday, 14 January 2013 20:42

Jerusalem Artichoke and Carrot Soup

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A favourite Winter soup which is vegetarian.  Serves 6 - 8 people


  • 1kg g (2 lb) Jerusalem Artichokes
  • 3 celery stalks, chopped
  • 450 g (1 lb) carrots ( peeled and sliced)
  • 1 medium onion, chopped
  • 75 g (3 oz) butter
  • 1.5 L (3 pints) vegetable stock
  • salt and freshly ground pepper
  • Method

Peel and slice artichokes then put them into a bowl of cold water to prevent them from discolouring. ( add a slice of lemon)

Melt the butter in a cooking pot and soften the onion, celery, carrots and artichokes.

Put the lid on the pan and let the vegetables sweat for 5 minutes on a low heat.

Stir from time to time.

Pour in the stock, stir well, put the lid back on and simmer for a further 20 minutes or until the vegetables are soft. Liquidise the soup and season to taste.

Jerusalem Artichokes are a member of the sunflower family and originate in North America, not Jerusalem.  They are also known as Sunchokes in the USA.  They are easy to grow and are very knobbly, potato-like tubers, with the nickname "fartichoke" for a good reason!They are delicious at this time of year and make a wonderful winter soup.  Here is a recipe for Jerusalem Artichoke and Carrot Soup

Saturday, 29 December 2012 23:43

Love food Hate waste

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More food is wasted at Christmas than at any other time of the year.  An estimated 74 million mince pies and two million turkeys will be carted off by the dustmen. If you would like some ideas for using up leftovers, meal planning and shopping accordingly take a look at the lovefoodhatewastewebsite. This is my turkey and ham pie made from this weeks'  leftovers.



Suffolk-based wine educator Neil Courtier of Grape Sense gives us his Christmas and New Year favourites for the festive table below. Neil runs wine-tasting workshops and has one coming up on Saturday morning 26th January 2013 at the Active Business Centre in Bury, called 'An Introduction to Wine Tasting'. This would be a great birthday present for me but unfortunately I am going to be in the Caribbean (says suffolkfoodie in a sad voice...) Call him on 01359 270318 or contact him here through his website.

The Wines

 Domaine Vincent Dampt  - Chablis 2011 Burgundy – France - £ 12.55 (here you will get a 10% discount if you mention Grapesense) Corney & Barrow – Newmarket – Vincent Dampt is a rising star in Burgundy, check out this classic, steely, mineral enhanced Chablis, that’s beautifully balanced, by a touch of buttery richness & pin-point acidity. Try with smoked trout, roast turkey (with a white wine gravy), or guinea fowl.

Jul. Ferd Kimich – Gewürztraminer – Spätlese 2010 Pfalz – Germany - £ 12.99 Peatling's - Bury St Edmunds - A fruit-inspired Gewürztraminer, that's beautifully focused. A degree of natural sweetness (only a tad) makes this a perfect companion with a smooth duck-based pâté.   

Jim Barry - The Lodge Hill – Shiraz 2010 Clare Valley – Australia - £ 12.49 / buy 2 bottles £ 9.99 – Majestic – Should you decide to enjoy a prime-joint of British beef this Christmas, tuck into this blackberry-soaked Shiraz, with notes of eucalyptus & liquorice. Full-bodied, yet it has ‘sweet’ tannins & total integration.

Domaine Michel Lafarge - Bourgogne – Pinot Noir 2009 Burgundy – France - £ 13.99 (again with a 10% discount for Grapesense) Corney & Barrow – Newmarket – From a great Domaine in Volnay, a cherry-scented Pinot, ripe, rounded & accessible, with food-matching potential too – a great match with pheasant, or venison casserole.

Champagne – Les Pionniers – Vintage 2004 - £ 25.99 / £ 22.99 (until 1st January 2013 ) Co-Operative – Toasty, complex Champagne, with notes of maturity – baked lemon, a trace of honey & a nutty finish. Great vale & should accompany smoked salmon to a tee!    

Vistamar - Late Harvest - Moscatel 2012 Limari Valley – Chile - £ 6.24 / buy 2 bottles = £ 4.99 per ½ bottle – Majestic – Snap-up this peach, honey, lemon & grapey Moscatel, which has attractive acidity to underpin the sweetness. Yummy!


Thursday, 13 December 2012 11:36

The Mince Pie Project

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The Mince Pie Project is a 72 hour mince pie marathon, raising funds for Galvin’s Chance and Crisis.  You have just a day left to bid and could bag yourself a fantastic box of mince pies made by a top UK chef.


Wednesday, 05 December 2012 20:39

Wine is a wonderful thing

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On Friday last week I so enjoyed the Thos Peatlings Christmas Wine tasting.  Over 70 wines to taste, a lighter purse and some cracking wines wending their way to the suffolkfoodie HQ for Christmas.

Two days later I was invited to an informal tasting and dinner at Pea Porridge.  Ian Steel from For the Love of Wine ( he was also at Peatlings, hidden in his favourite corner of the cellar) brought a vast selection of Italian wines to taste. Pictured is Rosso Passo 2010, Lenotti, which he also showed at Peatlings. We slurped, tasted and enjoyed a fabulous dinner.  Neil Courtier from Grapesense also joined the party.  We talked wine and food, ate too much and shared each others knowledge.  If you would like to learn more about wine then take a look at Neils website. He has some brilliant courses.


Monday, 03 December 2012 15:13

Look inside the box

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Last night this was just one of the highlights of a delicious supper enjoyed with our foodie friends Justin and Jurga from Pea Porridge Restaurant. Mont d'Or AOC is a cheese from the Franche-Comté region made from cows milk produced from 15th August to 31st March. There are strict rules for the production of this AOC cheese. The raw milk can only be from the cows of the Montbéliard and Simmentaler breeds. To shape the Vacherin, it is rounded using a ring of Spruce bark. It is ripened on a Spruce wood board, taking at least three weeks, and is rotated several times before it is placed in its characteristic wooden box. We ate it directly from the box with a spoon. It is also delicious melted in the box in the oven.  Get some now for your Christmas cheeseboard.


Saturday, 01 December 2012 15:19


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I have run out of my Seville orange marmalade so have made myself a small batch of easy four fruit marmalade until the new seasons Sevilles arrive.

I used clementines, limes, grapefruit and lemons for my Christmas special! Just subsitute what ever citrus fruit you fancy and use this recipe


Monday, 26 November 2012 17:03

I eat a lot of bacon

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I eat a lot of bacon in my job as an Hotel Inspector. But all those breakfasts eaten in my line of duty have not put me off  a good rasher of bacon when I get home 


Dry Cured Back Bacon finished in Black Treacle and Beer.

Hill Top Smokehouse had a tasty looking stall at the Bury St Edmunds Christmas Fair at the weekend. There is an online shop, so order yourself some award winning goodies for Christmas.  Or if you are passing by either of the family run butchers shop's R J Smiths of Needham Market or Byfords Traditional Fresh Foods of Rayleigh, Essex pop in and buy some.

Monday, 19 November 2012 21:23

Fancy a BushTucker Trial?

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Fancy taking part in a Bush Tucker Challenge?  You can buy your insects here. Help, I'm a Celebrity - get me out of here!


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